Thursday, December 5, 2019

2020 Bootcamp Descriptions

Bootcamp Assignment Options

Hey all,
If you are already signed up for the bootcamp (or just want to play along at home) choose at least one of the sample assignments listed below, and try to come in to the first day of the bootcamp with as much of the following ready for critique as you possibly can.  The more prepared you are the better chance you will have to complete the project in the six days we have together.  This being said, we understand that people are coming from a variety of experience level, so work to your comfort level and we will be there to guide you in taking your work to the next level.  Please try to have thumbnail (rough) sketches, reference photos, and a tighter sketch ready to go.  Along with your preferred painting surface and materials.
Project Descriptions

Art Assignment 1: War/Peace
Description: Pick a wildlife species that is native/local to your home state/country/region. Combine its anatomy with human anatomy using your own tastes and aesthetic. Then, either show this creation rushing into battle toward an unseen enemy, or show it making peace with a human or humans after a battle. Think about how you can use the composition of your piece to tell a story and make it instantly readable, even when reproduced at a smaller scale. Gathering reference will be important, so also plan how you will find images to work from when constructing this fantasy scene.

Art Assignment 2: The Wizard and The Dragon
Description: Illustrate a scene in which a wizard type character is fighting a Dragon in an epic battle.  The Wizard and Dragon should be your own designs.  The location and time period is your choice.  Feel free to explore a cross genre theme.  For example Wildwest/Fantasy, or Sci-Fi/Fantasy.  The designs of the characters and environment should clearly define what genre you're crossing into.  The format is up to you, landscape or portrait.
Art Assignment 3: The Trap
Description: Illustrate a archetypal  hero/protagonist caught in s timed trap set for him/her by a archetypal villain/antagonist.  The focus should be on our hero in the "inescapable" trap and some kind of countdown, but the villain should be implied as well.  
Portrait Format

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